Anak Malaysia

Friday, April 25, 2008

Crying Eyes

In his younger days, he is very brave. He fights the CT's and equally brave when he took charge of the internal affairs of Malaysia. He survives a plane crash when everyone thought he had perished.

He was instrumental of the Rukun Negara and very proud of it till this day for uniting all Malaysians. He had served his constituents well, served his state well, served his country very well and to a certain extend did well at the ASEAN and ASIAN level. Widely recognised all over the world. He voices his opinions freely without fear. That's why I think he is a very brave person. His eyes is full of wisdom and vigour and he is always with fantastic ideas and ideals.

Today the same eyes were cyring. It looks foolish for a brave person to cry. His bravery cannot stop his tears. The eyes cannot stop crying. This morning he lost a very dear companion. Toh PuanKhatijah Abd Majid passed away peacefully this morning about 7-00 am leaving behind Tun Ghazalie Shafie and M and Bak and three grandchildren.

May ALLAH bless her soul. Rest in Peace Toh Puan Puan Sri Khatijah Abd Majid.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Anak Malaysia Merdeka

Well, the General Election is over and many anak Malaysia went out to vote and tell the Government that they have to pull up their socks. The Government doesn't seem to have their ears on the ground and their eyes are not seeing the negative vibes that the voters are having against the Barisan Nasional Leader.

Announcing the election before really preparing for it is another political suicide. To not work to win the election is a political crime. To not securing the proper ammunition when you go into battle is another act of pure stupidity. Its only GOD's wish and they are very lucky to have won the WAR but at the same time lost a few battles at the STATE level.

So Anak Malaysia Merdeka, you have spoken and make a decision. Rightly or wrongly you have to live with it for the next few years before the next General Election. Only time will tell you whether you had made a wise decision.